it's me

it's me

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Let's cook!

Nasi Minyak

Kambing Masak Rempah


Gulai Kawah

Purposely posted to make you all hungry.. Hehehe :P
*Currently listening to ABBA - The Piper

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Walimatulurus Wanie dan Rozek serta tindakan berani mati :P

Sword Bearer gitu
  "Selamat Pengantin Baru kepada Wanie dan Rozek. Semoga bahgia dan damai selalu" :)

Sebenarnye time ni aku cuti sehari je. Bayangkan betapa gilenye aku, sampai KL tengah malam sehari sebelum pergi Penang untuk kenduri diorang ni. Pagi buta 17 Dis 2011 tu dah bertolak ke Penang dengan Mama Meen. Singgah di Taiping untuk fetch up Linda dan aku take turn jadi driver ke Penang untuk majlis diorang. Habis je makan nasi minyak, terus amik gambo dengan pengantin dan cabut lari ke airport dan naik Firefly dari Penang-Subang-Kuantan. Sebab nye esok tu aku kerja am shift. Hehehe :P

P/s: Demi kawan beb.. Nak dapat berkat orang kahwin camni la..

*Currently listening to P Ramlee - Gambus Jodoh

Sunday, December 11, 2011

HTAA Medical Night 10 December 2011

 Enjoy these pictures~

The Poco-poco O8C version girls

Kak Su - Make up by me :D

L-R: Kak Aisyah and Kak Herda - Make up by me :D

Half of us the O8C :)

*Currently listening to Pico Pico Pong Pong Song :D

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Majlis Makan Malam Anugerah Cemerlang Kejururawatan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia Bahagian Kejururawatan dan Spinning di Kilometer 95-100 Lebuhraya Pantai Timur~

Aku, Fang Fang, dan Hanani telah dijemput ke Majlis Makan Malam seperti tajuk di atas pada 18 November 2011 di Hotel Berjaya Times Square, KL. As usual, aku kerja juga lah pagi tu. Habis je kerja, rest kejap dan terus fetch Fang Fang dan Hanani dan terus shoot ke KL. At that time, hujan renyai-renyai gitu. Aku tak rasa aku speed sangat. Masa lepas Temerloh kat lebih kurang Kilometer 95-100 selepas signboard Lanchang sebelum Tol Karak, tiba-tiba Encem telah terskidded. Dah lah drive kat lane kanan. Dengan immediate response, aku pun break. Encem pun spin kat right lane tu. Nasib baik tak langgar divider highway. 2 kali spin tu beb! 2 kali! Mase berpusing tu, aku tengok kereta belakang aku sume emergency break sebab nak elak aku. ALHAMDULILLAH, ALLAHUAKBAR. Aku dan kawan-kawan tak hade apa-apa. Encem pun baik-baik saja.

Finally, we safely arrived the hotel at 830pm. Actually we are supposed to register at 7.30pm. Huhu.. What a tiring day :'(

*Currently not listening to any songs ...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October :D

27 October 2011
That was my 25th birthday!
I assumed that I will celebrate my birthday alone, as I always did before.
Suddenly, I received a call from a friend, she said that she wanted to meet me at Benteng (Kuantan Esplanade) to give me something.
We finally met there and guess what?
I got a home made birthday cake!!! Than You Kak Pah!
Suke2 :D

28-29 October 2011
Attended the 3rd Pahang Regional Nursing Technical Meeting at HoSHAS. As a result of prolonged sitting, the pain at saccrococcygeal region began.
When I came back Kuantan, I found that the cyst became red, tender, and elevated.

30 October 2011
I went to the casualty for an Incision & Drainage (I&D). But the doctor kept telling me that they will only perform the procedure once it get ruptured. At that time, the bump measured 4x4cm.
My sister came to my room that night and gave me belated birthday slice of Ben's Red Velvet cake!!! Yummy!!
Suke2 :D

31 October 2011
I woke up in the morning and found that the bump ruptured and abscess mixed with blood drained from my tailbone area flooding my bedsheet :'(
I went to the casualty again and the doctor assessed the wound and suggest for I&D. I was admitted to a ward in HTAA and was diagnosed as Pilonidal abscess sized 3x3cm (after ruptured). The I&D done in the treatment room under Local Anesthesia as it will be waste of time to wait for a slot in an Operation Theater.
Few hours after the procedure I started to feel the pain that I almost can't tolerate because the gauze packing inside the cavity was being pushed too deep, I guess, and I was prescribed T. Ponstan 500mg TDS. Hu Hu. Seems not enough but I tried various of non-pharmacology pain relief. They works!
I only sleep with lateral or prone position. My butt hurts so much. He He.

1 November 2011
The Wound Inspection was a real pain that I shouted out loud when the doctor was trying to remove the gauze pack. And blood oozing out. He he. The incision wound was kept opened to allow remaining abscess or debris to drained out. Daily dressing is essential to promote wound healing process :D
Mummy and Babah came for a visit, upon my discharge. I got 2 weeks of MC. He he.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

10 causes of demotivation I have~

1.) You’re demotivated by fear
When you’re afraid, even if you’re entering territory that you’ve chosen to move into, a part of yourself is determined to avoid going forward. Fear slows you down and makes you hesitant and careful, which can be beneficial to you, but sometimes your fears are based on your imagination rather than an accurate assessment of the risks in your reality. If your fear is big enough, even if you’re also excited to go forward, the part of you that wants to keep you safe can successfully prevent you from going forward into territory that’s both desirable and safe.

Me: Fear of critics and lose of trustworthy from other people. I know people look down upon me, though I am doing well in certain things.

2.) You’re demotivated by setting the wrong goals
Martha Beck has a great model for understanding motivation. She explains that we have an Essential Self and a Social Self. Your Essential Self is the part of you that’s spontaneous and creative and playful, the part that knows what’s most important to you. Your Social Self is the part of you that developed since the day you were born, learning the rules of the tribe and working hard to make sure that you’re safe by making you follow the rules of the tribe.
We’re all surrounded with so many messages that feed into our Social Selves and we’re keen to impress our tribe. When you feel demotivated, it’s because you’re setting goals based purely on what your Social Self wants and this is pulling you away from the direction your Essential Self wants you to take. Your Essential Self uses demotivation to slow you down and try to disinterest you from the toxic goals you’ve set.

Me: I set a perfect goal before until people on the higher authority ruins it. And now, there will be no more goals. Just go with the flow.

3.) You’re demotivated by lack of clarity about what you want
When you haven’t consciously and clearly articulated what you want, your picture of your future will be vague. We like what’s familiar and so we resist what’s unfamiliar and vague and we stay with and re-create what’s familiar to us instead. If you’re not clear about what you want to create, then it makes sense that you’ll lack motivation to act because you’d rather stay with your current familiar reality.

Me: I want to be the best nurse, giving impact to the healthcare setting in this MOH. When the people said you must do this, that, these and those, and no full stop, so I think my passion just gone. I’d choose to stay with current order from the higher authority until when? I’m not sure.

4.) You’re demotivated by a values-conflict
Your values are what are important to you in life. If you have a values conflict it means that there are two or more values that are important to you but you feel that you can’t satisfy all of those values in a particular situation. This causes you to feel conflicted and pulled in different directions as you try to find ways to get what’s important to you. You might have brief spurts of motivation to work on something and then lose motivation and start working on something else or your motivation might dry up altogether because the energy of dealing with internal conflict quickly tires you out and saps your motivation.

Me: I want to be a good nurse. I want to show people that degree nurses aren’t do shit. I did all by myself. But, at last, people don’t recognize me. I am tired of trying my best to gain acknowledgement from people but they are too blind to see. So, what I do now is just do what people want me to do – doing regular nurse jobs and tasks. Nothing extraordinary. See, now you can’t differentiate between the graduate nurses and the current staff nurse. It’s a waste. So sad.

5.) You’re demotivated by lack of autonomy
We thrive on autonomy. We all have a decision-making center in our brains and this part of us needs to be exercised. Studies have found that this decision-making center in the brain is under-developed in people who have depression and that, by practicing using this part of the brain and making decisions, depression often clears.

Me: Before this, I tend to make my own non-idiot-kind-of decision making. Until people said, “You are a nurse. So, just follow orders”. Then some people said, “We know that you are good. But to show off your brightness is a waste. Nobody hears you”. Whenever I voiced out an opinion in order to push the nursing profession towards higher level, people said, “We did research regarding this. And who are you to judge? Before this, none of them says things about this policy. And now you came and wanted to us to change?” The reality is, I just giving an opinion based on what I learned in my former nursing school and what we’d practice in my previous university hospital. They should be glad that I care to share.

6.) You’re demotivated by lack of challenge
When it comes to dealing with challenges, there’s a sweet spot. Too great a challenge and the fear becomes too great and saps our motivation, and if the challenge is too small, we quickly get bored and struggle to stay motivated. We’re designed to be living, growing creatures and we need constant challenge and opportunities to master new skills. Without challenge, our Essential Self steps in and demotivates us as a way of telling us that we’ve departed from the path that’s right for us.

Me: My challenge is the same like other nurses. That is no challenge. So, I have nothing here to proof that I am different from others.

7.) You’re demotivated by grief
At the beginning of any change, we go through a phase of wondering if we should or could hang onto the way things were and grieving what we’d be losing if we make significant changes. Confusion, self-doubt, mistrust of the world around us and feeling lost are common symptoms and the bigger the change, the more powerful these symptoms. Sometimes we even go through a bit of depression and social withdrawal. With all the grieving and fearing and feeling lost that goes on in this phase, it’s normal for your motivation to dry up.

Me: If I said something about the current management and policy, people will keep on criticizing me behind. People will lose trust, and withdraw me from the community. The truth? I will never trust you people!

8.) You’re demotivated by loneliness
This is an especially important one for those of us who work alone from home. You know those days when you feel a bit cabin-feverish, you just don’t feel like working and you’d rather be out having a drink with a friend or playing a game of soccer? Well perhaps it’s because we’re designed to be social creatures and sometimes your Essential Self is just longing for some connection with other people and so it steps in and hi-jacks your work motivation so that you’ll take a break from work and go and spend some time with other people and give your Essential Self what it needs.

Me: I am working with some colleagues and other health care team members, and also not forgetting the managerial persons. They are just not helping. Better to work alone until I feel tired, stress and showing a bitter-sour face. Cute, huh?

9.) You’re demotivated by burn-out
Since I attract over-achieving Type A’s, and as a recovering Type A myself, I know that sometimes we’re banging on about wanting to get more done even after we’ve exceeded the limit on what’s sustainable. If you’re feeling tired all the time, have lost your energy for socializing, and the idea of taking a snooze sounds more compelling than the stuff you’re usually interested in, then you’ve probably pushed yourself too long and hard and you may be burned out.

Me: Undoubtedly, I am a Type A person.

10.) You’re demotivated by not knowing what to do next
Your end-goal might be nice and clear, but if you haven’t taken time to chunk your end-goal down into smaller goals, you’ll get stuck, confused and demotivated when it’s time to take action. Some projects are small and familiar enough that they don’t need a plan, but if you’re often worrying that you don’t know what to do next and you don’t have a clear plan, then this might be the source of your demotivation.

Me: Of course I don’t know what I supposed to do next. Because there are people up there master mind-ing my future, like a chess match. I only have to wait for their orders. It is too bad.

P/S: The dullness of my future is coming. Thank you people! Why nursing profession in this country is so lame?
I never say that I hate my job.
P/S: I'm posting this after had a discussion over an hour with numbers of matrons in their office, regarding my future plans yang kehancuran. And mostly about my attitude that has been changed from Hero to Zero. As I said, I am now De-Motivated. Just dump me at any place to do any job, I don't mind. Yes, I am now not the same person as before. Turned negatively towards kegelapan. Just let me go, please...

*Currently listening to Whitney Houston - Try It On My Own
Source: Do visit here, their writings are awesome!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri~

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Batin.
And I am working on Raya 1st and 2nd.
Will be going back KL on the 3rd Raya, while Mummy and Babah won't be at home :'(

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ramadhan Kareem

Fasting month for Muslims...
Today is 15th of Ramadhan..
Full moon during nights...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Puncak-Bandung-Jakarta and the food poisoning :P

My sister and I went for a vacation to Puncak-Bandung-Jakarta last 30 June- 4 April 2011. First time on board with Garuda Indonesia. Nice foods and hospitality. Handsome and beautiful cabin crews :D

Garuda Indonesia Airlines

Macet means severely bumper to bumper crawl

Safari Zoo

Tangkuban Perahu

Tuyul Ice-cream? Hehe :P

Nasi Timbel


Pasar Baru

The popular Teh Botol by Sasro

MONAS miniature

Eyes catcher at Taman Mini Indonesia

International Trade Center Mangga Dua

Baskin Robbins for dehydrated person LOL. So expensive, almost twice the price compared to Malaysia!

Day 1: To Puncak, Safari Zoo. So sad, it was raining heavily that I could not manage to snap a nice photos of the wilds.

Day 2: To Tangkuban Perahu. So misty and foggy that I could not manage to capture the actual upside-down boat (perahu tertangkup) on the peak.

Day 3: Shopping at Bandung's most popular Pasar Baru. The time given was not enough, never. Menyesal tak shopping banyak sini.

Day 4: To Jakarta, but this time my sister and I fell sick that we get poisoned and having symptoms of AGE! Severe vomiting and diarrhea of watery stool that we couldn't visit the MONAS (Monumen Nasional) and enjoy the shopping moment to Tanah Abang (where we slept on the stairs and alongside the shop-lots for hours) and manage to bought pairs of anak tudung for Mummy, but none for us :'(

Day 5: Shopping at ITC Mangga Dua. Getting better but still could not tolerate solid foods. We managed to grab goods here but not as many as we planned. So expensive where prices are fixed (Harga Pas!), unlike Bandung where we could bargain until the price cut into half! Going back to Kuantan.

*Currently listening to Rod Steward - Sailing

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Going Holiday!

I am going for a holiday trip with a group of people starting from today until July 4th.
Where to?
Shhhh... Rahsia :P
Bye bye all. Do not miss me okay!

*Currently listening to Broery Marantika & Emillia Contessa - Setangkai Anggerek Bulan

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Tutti Frutti in Kuantan!

The new branch of Tutti Frutti Frozen Yoghurt (Owned by NAZA Group) was launched on the June 4th. But My sister and I managed to go there later. Oh, terlepas 50% off during the opening! Hehe :P
That was Sue Ann's first time, and I had to explain to her how to do self service there.
and this month, we managed to get there twice. Addicted dah ni!
My first day visit!
Second day visit :D
P/S: I love Cheerios! Agak-agak, ada tak orang nak belanja I makan ni?

*Currently listening to Wings - Bernafas Dalam Lumpur

My model :D

This is my model for enhancing my make up techniques. Sabo je la. There were so many pics of her and my make ups but I malas nak upload. This is my soft socket eye make up for day out.
Soft purple on the lids, and soft black on the crease. With some grey tone.

 *Currently listening to May - Gadis Bertudung Putih

Let's Play Make-ups!

Whenever I feel boring or nothing else to do, I will try few make up techniques on myself instead of application on my fixed model, Sue Ann. Hehe :P
Smokey Eye make up. No shading.

Socket Eye make up. With shading.
*Currently listening to Gersang - Masih Aku Terasa

Pantai Sepat With Love :D

My sister and I went to Pantai Sepat, as usual, for a picnic and camwhoring. Hehe. Enjoy the pics!
Jump high, jump!


She's stunning!

Tuan rumah nak posing jugak!


*Currently listening to Rahim Maarof - Cinta Kristal

Small Semashur Reunion (Kuantan Batch) and Celebrating the Graduate-to-be House Officer!

1st June 2011
All the Kuantan Batch SEMASHURIANs (SOFFIST only) gathered at Sarathai Restaurant for few reasons:
1) Ukhuwwah
2) Long time no see meh!
3) Celebrate Akram and Fara's graduation. They are all passed. House Officer to be!
4) Spending moments of the last hours Akram and Fara have before leaving Kuantan, for good... hehe

Me, Hajar, Fara, Zara, Akram

Thanks all for spending your time. Congratulations Akram and Fara! Thanks for the treats!
But, Aswad did not managed to come for a reason that he's concentrating on DOTA. Cett!!!

*Currently listening to Febians - Penantian

Teruntum Mini Zoo~

I went to the zoo weeks ago.. and only now I came across the idea of posting the pics.
Welcome Notes

Baby Crocs






Snake House

*Currently listening to Wings - Taman Rashidah Utama

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Going back to KL :D

I went back to KL for 3 days as I have few things to do:
1) Meet Mummy and Babah
2) Yati's Wedding (she is one of my besties in SMKS5WM)
3) Afiq's Wedding (he was my classmate in SMKS5WM)
4) Let's play cooking!

Caught in traffic, not moving for more than an hour at Maran!


Fascinating! @ Temerloh R&R.

Afiq and Ain. Congrats you both. Gorgeous bride :D
L-R: Yani, Me, Yati, Shah, Syak. Congrats Yati and Shah. You are stunning!

My cook: Rice Vermicelli in Chicken Soup for dinner :d

My cook: Nasi Lemak for breakfast :d

*Currently listening to Dinamik - Biar Putih Tulang