it's me

it's me

Friday, February 27, 2015

Keterujaan melihat progress rumah: Bahagian 2

Ada baca beberapa thread dalam forum berkaitan dengan dokumen cagaran dan penghantaran hakmilik antara purchaser dengan financier (BPP) melalui pihak peguam. Banyak yang kata supposedly ambil masa dalam 2-4 minggu je. La ni dah menghampiri 2 bulan since last Beta tandatangan dokumen dokumen tersebut di pejabat peguam tempohari.

Maka dengan anxious nya, Beta pun menelefon ke pejabat peguam, katanya mereka sedang menunggu dokumen tersebut dikembalikan oleh pihak BPP. Katanya BPP telah mengepos surat itu 13 Februari yang lepas.

Dah nak masuk 2 minggu ni tak sampai lagi. Lamanya..... Sob sob...

Layan gambar rumah dulu la sebagai penawar duka. Duka sebab makin banyak kena spare duit untuk late payment charges nanti. Huhu...

Rumah Beta row ke-3 dari depan. 45% progress :)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Keterujaan melihat progress rumah: Bahagian 1

Casa de Mena. Insyaallah.

Sejak akhir akhir ini, penurusan KotaSAS telah giat menjalankan pengawalan keselamatan ketat secara menyeluruh. Huhu. Oleh yang demikian, makin sukar lah Beta nak jenguk progress rumah. Kalau tidak, setiap minggu mesti nak singgah tengok. Excited gila! Orang lain pun tak macam ni kot. Nak buat cemana, memang tak boleh sorok kegembiraan dan keterujaan untuk memiliki sebuah rumah :)

Hari tu ada sekali lepas shift malam, singgah sekejap tengok rumah, lalu berjumpa dengan Encik Zaini (kalau tak silap la), Site Engineer bagi perumahan Lakeside 1 di KotaSAS ni. Borak punya borak sampai 2 jam kot. Cerita pasal progress rumah, dan bakal infrastruktur yang bakal diwujudkan di situ, selain daripada selit sedikit kisah peribadi. Muwehehe.

Rumah, cepat lah siap...

p.s., Korang pun exited macam Beta jugak ke?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Dental check-up, fissure sealants, scaling and polishing.

Pits and fissures

I bet most of you have experienced this. Discolouration of pits and fissures are the indication of caries development. Apart of brushing and flossing, there is a preventive procedure that should be done to protect teeth from decays. It is called "Fissure Sealant".

2 February 2014

Recently I had my dental check-up at Klinik Pergigian Syarifah (Jalan Teluk Sisek, Kuantan branch) and requested for 3 right-lower molar teeth fissures sealed. After being consulted with Dr Yusmijan (a very soft-spoken and handsome dentist. muwehehe), I agree for the procedure. He did a very good job. I can't barely see my pits and fissures. I was a very happy and satisfied client :)

Cost: RM 15 for consultation, RM 165 for 3 molar teeth fissure sealant.
For inquiries, do not hesitate to call 019-9814913.

3 February 2014

I wanted my other 3 left-lower molars sealed too (am I being addicted?). Haha. So, I went to another branch of Klinik Pergigian Syarifah located at Indera Mahkota 8. I had scaling and polishing first before I get my sealant applied. Differ from yesterday's, my satisfaction level of Dr Ain's work was just fair. I still could see my previous brownish fissures and pits through the sealant. But, after made a payment, perhaps, I should be thankful. She charged me half the price of the procedures done yesterday, and free consultation fee. Haha. So, I should stop complaining.

Cost: RM 85 for scaling and polishing, RM 100 for 3 molar teeth fissure sealant.
You may call 019-7794161 for an appointment, but don't be surprised if the receptionist can't answer your inquiries. I bet she was very new to dentistry terms. She had no idea when I said that I want to know the cost of fissure sealant. In fact, during the procedure, when Dr Ain asked her to prepare the sealant, she was a bit blur. Ngeh ngeh ngeh.

The procedure

See the difference. But this ain't mine. Taken from Google.

p.s., May you have a brighter, shinier smile :D