Saturday, June 2, 2012

Resuming working activities after MC post appendicectomy and STO~

Ok. Today is my first day working post op. Was in charged of acute cubicle in AM Shift with 3 ventilated patients, this is not a joke. There are few relatives of one of the patients who made up stories for shits we don't do. I was so upset. Ended up my shift with an empty stomach. This is not good :'(
After finished my shift, I asked few of my friends and HOs to help on my STO. They were so busy, I understood. So, I did the STO, myself. Huuu~
The wound was a bit gaping like 1mm width. Hopefully it will perfectly seamed and heals :)
InsyaAllah :D

*Currently listening to Bee Gees - Islands in the Stream

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