Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October :D

27 October 2011
That was my 25th birthday!
I assumed that I will celebrate my birthday alone, as I always did before.
Suddenly, I received a call from a friend, she said that she wanted to meet me at Benteng (Kuantan Esplanade) to give me something.
We finally met there and guess what?
I got a home made birthday cake!!! Than You Kak Pah!
Suke2 :D

28-29 October 2011
Attended the 3rd Pahang Regional Nursing Technical Meeting at HoSHAS. As a result of prolonged sitting, the pain at saccrococcygeal region began.
When I came back Kuantan, I found that the cyst became red, tender, and elevated.

30 October 2011
I went to the casualty for an Incision & Drainage (I&D). But the doctor kept telling me that they will only perform the procedure once it get ruptured. At that time, the bump measured 4x4cm.
My sister came to my room that night and gave me belated birthday slice of Ben's Red Velvet cake!!! Yummy!!
Suke2 :D

31 October 2011
I woke up in the morning and found that the bump ruptured and abscess mixed with blood drained from my tailbone area flooding my bedsheet :'(
I went to the casualty again and the doctor assessed the wound and suggest for I&D. I was admitted to a ward in HTAA and was diagnosed as Pilonidal abscess sized 3x3cm (after ruptured). The I&D done in the treatment room under Local Anesthesia as it will be waste of time to wait for a slot in an Operation Theater.
Few hours after the procedure I started to feel the pain that I almost can't tolerate because the gauze packing inside the cavity was being pushed too deep, I guess, and I was prescribed T. Ponstan 500mg TDS. Hu Hu. Seems not enough but I tried various of non-pharmacology pain relief. They works!
I only sleep with lateral or prone position. My butt hurts so much. He He.

1 November 2011
The Wound Inspection was a real pain that I shouted out loud when the doctor was trying to remove the gauze pack. And blood oozing out. He he. The incision wound was kept opened to allow remaining abscess or debris to drained out. Daily dressing is essential to promote wound healing process :D
Mummy and Babah came for a visit, upon my discharge. I got 2 weeks of MC. He he.

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