Sunday, July 10, 2011

Puncak-Bandung-Jakarta and the food poisoning :P

My sister and I went for a vacation to Puncak-Bandung-Jakarta last 30 June- 4 April 2011. First time on board with Garuda Indonesia. Nice foods and hospitality. Handsome and beautiful cabin crews :D

Garuda Indonesia Airlines

Macet means severely bumper to bumper crawl

Safari Zoo

Tangkuban Perahu

Tuyul Ice-cream? Hehe :P

Nasi Timbel


Pasar Baru

The popular Teh Botol by Sasro

MONAS miniature

Eyes catcher at Taman Mini Indonesia

International Trade Center Mangga Dua

Baskin Robbins for dehydrated person LOL. So expensive, almost twice the price compared to Malaysia!

Day 1: To Puncak, Safari Zoo. So sad, it was raining heavily that I could not manage to snap a nice photos of the wilds.

Day 2: To Tangkuban Perahu. So misty and foggy that I could not manage to capture the actual upside-down boat (perahu tertangkup) on the peak.

Day 3: Shopping at Bandung's most popular Pasar Baru. The time given was not enough, never. Menyesal tak shopping banyak sini.

Day 4: To Jakarta, but this time my sister and I fell sick that we get poisoned and having symptoms of AGE! Severe vomiting and diarrhea of watery stool that we couldn't visit the MONAS (Monumen Nasional) and enjoy the shopping moment to Tanah Abang (where we slept on the stairs and alongside the shop-lots for hours) and manage to bought pairs of anak tudung for Mummy, but none for us :'(

Day 5: Shopping at ITC Mangga Dua. Getting better but still could not tolerate solid foods. We managed to grab goods here but not as many as we planned. So expensive where prices are fixed (Harga Pas!), unlike Bandung where we could bargain until the price cut into half! Going back to Kuantan.

*Currently listening to Rod Steward - Sailing

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