Thursday, March 31, 2011

Days in ICU~

I am now doing attachment in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for 2 weeks. I have been waiting this for long time ago, and at last, I manage to get the opportunity to work in ICU at the end of my Medical Posting. Actually, ICU attachement is a main criteria for any nurses in General Ward in order to allow them to take care of manually ventilated patients in the ward.
On the first day doing office hour, it's quiet ok, but looks like bodoh-bodoh sket. Nasib baik ade buat banyak revision before get myself into the ICU. Then I go into shifts. Tagging with senior staff nurses yang ade Post Basic ICU and love to teach (and proactive too!), helping them to monitor patients haemodinamically, procedures like ABG and blood taking, and bla..bla... They said so many things to do, even the nurse to patient ratio is 1:1 compared to the ward like hell, 1:12-14! Boring yang amat, ape nak buat, duduk aje kat meja tengok monitor, kalo ventilator alarmed, go to patient, betul2kan circuit, apa2 tah lagi..oh, not as busy as my ward. How I missed my general ward so much. But apa nak buat, need to be strong because I have to complete my cross book and give to ICU sister-in-charge in order to pass the posting. Hehehe
After this all of the U41 junior (freshies) nurses need to reshuffle and go into other department, and my next will be Paediatric! Oh, takutnya.. Takutnya.. There were a lot of negative rumors I've heard before. Oh, nak kekal posting medical boleh tak? Boleh tak?.. Ok, jawapannya, TAK BOLEH. KAU NAK KE SKT KAU TU KOSONG, PASTU ORANG CAKAP DEGREE NURSE NI BODOH, DAN KAU TAK LAYAK DAPAT GELARAN CLINICAL NURSE (should be clinical nurse, one day, supposedly???). Mestilah tak mahu kan.. Mummy said, "..ikut je lah dik.. Sabar ye.. Doakan segara urusan dipermudahkan Allah SWT." 
Rabbi ya sir wala tu'asir...
Good Luck to Myself :D

*Currently listening to Yuna - Something Super

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