Thursday, January 20, 2011

My first falsies!

Tu pun nak kecoh ke?
Ok, fine. Aku tau sume penah pakai fake lashes, tapi bukan aku (Kerispatih...haha)
Why I wanted so long to wear falsies?
actually I will have a HTAA Dinner tomorrow night at the new Zenith Hotel (situated in front of ECM). I heard so many guests are heading to find make up artists and rent dresses. Ok, I will never spent my money only for that 3 hours dinner. That's not worth it, unless if I have dinner with Mr Right. Hehe.
Counting the days, I prepared myself with various of make up techniques I searched trough youtube. I let my sister comments on my touch, ecece.. She replied, I look gorgeous (Oh!), but if I were put on fake lashes, I will look STUNNING!
So, that's why I went to Elianto just now to fine a pair of falsies. I choose the lighter and not so heavy dramatic look (though its good for a dinner) because it's my first time ok. FIRST TIME!
I bought this pair for only RM 12 and got the adhesive glue in it, for free.

The glue for free

And the best thing, the lashes look so natural and so light. I thought that so many people said falsies are heavy and you might have difficulties to make your eyes wide open. in addition, it's so easy to apply, once the glue become sticky. But, because of my original lashes all curled up, so I really have a bit problem to precisely put it on top of my lashes. Haha. I truly recommend this brand to all first user. Good luck!

*Currently listening to Pink - Sober

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