Friday, January 7, 2011

It's raining the whole day~

This is my first year live in Kuantan, a part of East Coast Malaysia that will experience monsoon from October to January. Unlike any parts of Kelantan and Terengganu, Kuantan was rarely flooded in this months. (but long time ago, there were many incidences because of poor drainage system, I guess...).
Almost everyday, it's raining outside 24/7, only few times I could barely see the sun glows, and the temperature was quite cold. I slept with double blanket and suffered a lot during shower time in the morning.  Not like KL where the rain drops heavily accompanied by thunderstorm.
I always get moody with my surroundings till my pimples popped out non-stop. It's ugly! and it make me depressed.
I still could not find the right entertainment for myself. My workload gains. Feel not so motivated. I need support please...
This afternoon, I attended a Mortality Review, and most of the shortfalls were from nurses. Oh, why? And hard to admit, that I'm one of them. Duhh~ My fellow lecturers would kill me if they know about this. But, THAT IS NOT ACTUALLY MY FAULT. I AM NOT SUPPOSED TO IN-CHARGED OF THE PATIENT. BECAUSE I AM NOT A "STAFF" NURSE. Luckily this case wasn't bring up to the court, if yes, I could have sued and my license barred :'(
My face now became worse. Everybody could barely see hundreds of whitehead on my skin. The pustules and papules popped out non stop. After a week using SebaMed, I noticed that the oily T-zone and chin fade away, my blackheads clearer, but some part of the skin became so dry. I have already omitted myself from eating any fast foods, snacks and junkies, fried foods, and drank a lot of clear fluid and orange juice.

The whitehead zits on my forehead and in between my eyebrows

Hundreds of whitehead, pustules, and papules. Noticed some flakes of dryness around lip area and chin

What am I supposed to do?

Ok, that's all for today. I have no mood.

*Currently listening to Christina Aguilera - I Turn to You

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