Saturday, December 25, 2010

Just a bit unlucky :'(

I woke up not so early and have my laundries washed and my room tidy..
I wasted my time playing with make ups and trying over clothes...
see...but don't be so happy..till I found that--> my Waja Encem was out of battery.. Oh Allah, how can I forgot to turn off the front seat light? it was left on for more than 20 hours!!!
okay, now all my plans were demolished by my own stupidity and carelessness..
I couldn't go shopping to ECM and Megamall...
I failed to fulfill my craves over Night Bazaar's varieties...
I didn't manage to compare prices on stuffs I would like to buy this month!
...and I have to walk by the dark lonely street to Kuantan Parade and had KFC alone, (coz I damn hate those in the foodcourt) and go in and out every shops just to waste my time there..
ya lah, kan dah pakai cantik2, takkan la kua kejap je T__T
for actually I did embarrassed myself for asking help on the battery..
at last, my Encem still left unattended...
oh, tomorrow I have to attend a seminar organised by Malaysian Nursing Union (MNU) though I'm not a member yet, but still, have to attend and sign up later..
and when-else I will have time for my Encem battery workout?
T__T (cry again)
p/s: How would you feel if one gave signals that he might be falling in to you? and what will you do?

*Currently listening to Sheila Majid - Selamanya

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